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  1. Provided before entering the online exhibit

  2. Consists of two open ended questions


Photo One (I AM NOT)

  1.  Emoji Board (Ex: How does this photograph make you feel?)

  2.  Poll question: (Ex: Do you feel mass media perpetuates negative stereotypes of African American males in the media? Y/N) 

  3. Community Forum (Ex: If you answered yes in the poll question, what are some of those negative stereotypes in media you have seen and how do you think they influence today's society?)

Photo Two (Media Reflections)

  1. Emoji Board (Ex: How does this photograph make you feel?)

  2. Poll question (Ex: Do you feel media imagery of different culture groups influences people's perspectives of the individuals in those cultures? Y/N)

  3. Community Forum: (Ex: If you answered yes in the poll question, share a link to a video or photo and describe how the imagery in the media you shared may influence other's perspective of that particular cultural group.)


Photo Three (#Misrepresentation)

  1. Emoji Board (Ex: How does this photograph make you feel?)

  2. Poll question (Ex: Do you watch any TV Shows with positive representations of teens? Y/N)

  3. Community Forum (Ex: Share a character from one of your favorite TV shows and describe how they are represented. How do you think stereotypes are used in your TV show or with your character?)


Photo Four (I Reflect Beauty)

  1. Emoji Board (Ex: How does this photograph make you feel?)

  2. Poll question (Ex: Do you think that the depiction of beauty in the media for women is an obtainable reality?)

  3. Community Forum (Ex: If you answered no to the poll question, how do you you think the depiction of beauty in the media  (such as magazines) may influence teen girls?) 


Photo Five (Dating Social)

  1. Emoji Board (Ex: How does this photograph make you feel?)

  2. Poll question  (Ex: Do you think that all photos posted on social media by your peers represent their reality?)

  3. Community Forum: (Ex: Why do you think that posts made by others may cause depression to some viewers that see the posts on social media sites?) 

Photo Six (Think Before You Type)

  1.  Emoji Board (Ex: How does this photograph make you feel?)

  2.  Poll question (Ex: Have you ever posted something on social media that may have been considered mean or inappropriate?)

  3.  Community Forum (Ex: If you answered yes to the poll question, did your post impact anyone and if so, how? If your post did not impact anyone, how could it have impacted someone?)


Photo Seven: (Knock Out Cyberbullying)

  1.  Emoji Board (Ex: How does this photograph make you feel?)

  2.  Poll question (Ex: Have you ever witnessed cyberbullying on social media?

  3.  Community Forum (Ex; How can you stand against cyberbulllying and take action through social media?)


Photo Eight: (Hidden Scars)

  1.  Emoji Board (Ex: How does this photograph make you feel?)

  2.  Poll question (Ex: Do you think most reality TV Shows depict healthy relationships)

  3.  Community Forum (Ex: Share the link of a popular song that is about love. Explain whether the lyrics in the song depicts a healthy or unhealthy relationship.)


Photo Nine: (Abuse Doesn't Discriminate)

  1.  Emoji Board (Ex: How does this photograph make you feel?)

  2.  Poll question (Ex: Do you think that there is a double standard with abuse in relationships based on gender?)

  3.  Community Forum (Ex: Give an example of another double standard in the media based on gender and explain how you think it impacts society.)


Post Assessment

  1.  Provided at the conclusion of the exhibit

  2.  Consists of two open ended questions

  3.  Teens will share a media creation concept



  1. Parent/Coordinator 3 question evaluation

  2. Student 3 question evaluation

  3. Questions (Same for both)

  •  What did you like most about the online exhibit?

  •  What did you like least about the exhibit?

  •  Was this exhibit a good learning experience?



  1. Digital Device or Computer

  2. Internet Access


Pre and Post Assessment: The Pre and Post Assessments are provided as an evaluation tool to assess critical thinking ability before participating in the exhibit and after participating in the exhibit. The Pre and Post Assessment provide two videos, a music video and a TV commercial, that teens must utilize to answer two open ended questions. The same questions are on the post assessment to assess a differentiation in perspective.


Emoji Board: The emoji board will be provided with each photo encounter on the website. This activity allows the teen audience to connect with the content, their peers and themselves through a familiar platform that they are accustomed to engaging. 

Poll Question: A poll question will be provided with each photo encounter on the website.The poll question is a yes or no quantitative evaluation tool to assess how teens view a specific cultural issue in connection with media. Teens can also assess how their perspective varies quantitatively with others on a particular issue. This activity bridges media literacy with cultural literacy and provides direct feedback to viewers. 

Community Forum: The community forum will be provided with each photo encounter on the website.The community forum consists of one open ended question that allows teens to engage in critical thinking through community discussion. The community forum provides the opportunity for higher thinking in regards to the poll question that is provided.

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